Wednesday 1st August 2018

Cloud Virtual Meeting Rooms Germany International Dial-In Phone Numbers currently not available

//Update 22:00 o'clock: All dial-in numbers are back in service.

Due to a provider problem our international dial-in numbers are currently not available. As a workaround, please use our local phone numbers until the problem is solved:

GERMANY +49 69 743 075 0

SWITZERLAND +41 43 2106 000

//The following numbers are affected:

+3228082533 Belgium BrĂ¼ssel

+33184886882 Fance Paris

+85258083007 Hongkong national

+390694806175 Italy Rom

+35220882275 Luxemburg national

+31208087020 Netherlands Amsterdam

+351308808574 Portugal national

+34911232502 Spain Madrid

+41315281556 Switzerland Bern

+442038086116 Great Britain London

+16468512385 USA New York City